Apparently I can centre and vertically align a div, how about that


Hello!, My name is Christopher Pritchard, and I presently work as the Lead Security Engineer at Flux Federation in Wellington, Aotearoa / New Zealand.

I spent about fifteen years working in Software Development, primarily in the .NET and HTML5/web space. During this time I had roles ranging from senior developer through to technical lead and solutions architect.

A few years ago I transitioned to a new career in Information Security, working primarily in application security (the improvement of software development efforts from a security standpoint). I work with developers to improve their efforts, and I have both designed and led secure development training courses.

Always looking for new and interesting things to learn and do, and I am happy to help if people have questions about any of the above.
Just reach out!

Skills and Specialisations

Information Security

Application Security, OWASP TOP 10, Cloud Security with AWS and Azure, Secure Agile Development, Secure Code Reviews, Designing and leading Secure Development Training, and vCISO work. I have an OSCP, OSED, OSEP and OSWE (OSCE3).

Software Development

Rust, Golang, F#, C#, .NET, JavaScript and TypeScript, REST Web services, automation software, mobile apps, desktop apps, React, Angular, Docker, SQL Server & Oracle, Microsoft Azure, AWS & general cloud development.

Further Information

My Github profile contains numerous examples of work, mostly in Golang and F#.
My LinkedIn profile is kept up-to-date with contracts and other experience.


For employment or contracting enquiries, please use, or reach me through LinkedIn